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2011招聘:IBM杭州分公司IT Specialist职位

发布日期 :2011-05-27    阅读次数 :4438

    目前IBM杭州分公司还有一个IT Specialist职位空缺(该职位面向应届毕业生,有效期至六月底),以下为该岗位的描述和要求,请有意向的同学投简历至IBM HR Xu Jing, 邮箱地址为xujhz@cn.ibm.com

    IT Specialist
Job Description:
--Provide IBM middleware products maintenance service, such as DB2, websphere, lotus notes etc;

--Provide technical implementation and service to specified project
--Pursuing customer satisfaction to IBM service via professional work
--Locate at Hangzhou or Ningbo,and focus on Zhejiang territory.

Required Skills:
-- Familiar with Unix or Linux administrator skill .
-- Familiar with TCP/IP protocol(socket programming experience is prefered)
-- Familiar with UNIX kernel architecture and principle is preferred.

Additional information:
-- Unix or Linux system level programming experience (File I/O, Signals, IPC, Socket, PThread, etc.)
-- Unix or Linux system or application crash anlaysis experience.
-- Database performance tuning experience.
-- MiddleWare implementation experience

Bachelor or master's Degree
English: Fluent

