On Nov. 20, the “Flexible Electronics and Smart Systems Workshop“ was jointly held by Cambridge’s Department of Engineering and ZJU’s College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering. Representatives from both parties include Prof. Tawfique Hasan and Prof. Luigi Occhipinti from Cambridge University, and Prof. SONG Jizhou and Prof. WANG Ping from ZJU. They shared their latest findings with over 1,000 scholars, faculty members and students from both universities online. Prof. LUO Jikui, director of the International Research Center for Information Science and Electronic Engineering of ZJU, hosted the workshop. This workshop was supported by “Zhejiang University Global Engagement Fund”.
Chairman: Prof. LUO Jikui
Prof. Tawfique Hasan introduced a method to improve the performance of printed two-dimensional materials and devices through unique ink mixing and solvent drying kinetic principles. He also demonstrated a supersaturation spectrometer based on a single nanostructure.
Prof. Tawfique Hasan
Prof. Luigi Ochipinti discussed the challenges faced by the new generation of printed and flexible electronic product design, high-performance materials and heterogeneous integration technology, as well as solutions featuring sustainability, biocompatibility and convenience as key aspects.
Prof. Luigi Ochipinti
Prof. Stephan Hofmann from Cambridge University introduced an end-to-end integrated manufacturing method for unidimensional and bidimensional materials and their potential applications in digital nano-bioanalysis, non-volatile memory, and machine learning accelerators.
Prof. Stephan Hofmann
Prof. SONG Jizhou shared a printing technology driven by laser transmission recently developed by his group, which can be applied to flexible inorganic electronic devices and micro LED displays.
Prof. SONG Jizhou
Prof. WANG Ping introduced an optimized processing system of bioelctronic nose and bioelctronic tongue based on biological natural smelling and tasting structure.
Prof. WANG Ping
“Flexible Electronics and Smart Systems” workshop on site