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Editor-in-Chief of Reports on Progress in Physics, Dr. David Gevaux, Visits ISEE


On the afternoon of May 24, Dr. David Gevaux, Editor-in-Chief of Reports on Progress in Physics, visited the College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering at Zhejiang University. The visit was marked by a warm reception from Prof. CHEN Hongsheng, Dean of ISEE. The meeting was attended by young research fellows from ISEE and other colleges.

Dr. David shared his experiences and insights as an editor at leading international journals, analyzed the development trends of top international journals, and provided a detailed introduction to the latest reforms at Reports on Progress in Physics. He noted that the journal would no longer be limited to publishing review articles. In the future, it will also strive to publish original research papers, aiming for a balance where original research and review articles each make up half of the journal's content. Dr. David encouraged the young researchers in attendance to submit more high-quality research results to Reports on Progress in Physics, contributing the wisdom and strength of Zhejiang University to the advancement of frontier physics.

Participating Fellows presented academic reports on their fields, covering topics such as metamaterials, metasurfaces, 2D materials, topological photonics, quantum optics, micro-nano optics, and bio-optics, sparking enthusiastic discussions.

Reports on Progress in Physics was established in 1934 and is published by the Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing. Its scope covers various fields of physics, and it is classified as a top-tier journal in the physics category according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Journal Citation Reports (JCR), with a current impact factor of 18.1. 

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